All-Russia civil forum on YouTube. Video guide.

During the V All-Russian civil forum on November 25, more than 50 events of different formats took place. It was physically impossible to take part in each of them. But we can fix it! We captured almost all the events on video. And now it is available on our YouTube channel. And to make it easier to find the event that interests you, we prepared a video guide of the All-Russia civil forum-2017. Please click the link to the event you would like to watch, choose the subtitles of your native language and enjoy!

Opening of the Forum. The future of Russia: federation, regions, cities. Moderator - Alexander Arkhangelsky.

Urban environment: authorities, experts, citizens. Moderator - Dmitry Sosnin.

Infomedia of the future: chaos or matrix. Moderator - Svetlana Mironyuk.

The future of charity: from impulse to culture. Moderator - Evgeny Gorkaev.

How the organizations of the future are organized. Moderator - Daniil Rybak.

Strategies and reality: why there is always a different future. Moderator - Andrey Sharonov

The third sector of Moscow: the image of the future. Moderator - Anton Lopukhin.

Who administers justice in Russia and how to return it to citizens? Moderator - Boris Dolgin.

Inequality as a resource for the development of regions. Moderator - Mark Urnov.

Regulation on the edge of defeat: how Russian laws destroy Internet industry and digital rights of citizens and what to do about it. Moderator - Artem Kozlyuk.

Radioactive waste in the Russia: challenges and prospects. Moderator - Alexander Nikitin.

Freedom of speech in the era of large data. Moderator - Alexey Sidorenko.

Youth debates and other technologies of civic education. Moderators: Maxim Ivantsov, Alexey Remyga.

Third mission of universities. Moderator - Larisa Zelkova.

Communication between authorities and society: technologies instead of simulacra. Moderator - Svetlana Makovetskaya.

Technologies and practices for the development of urban and rural communities. Moderators: Andrey Maksimov, Elvira Aleynichenko.

How to make school a source of social development. Moderator - Olga Fogelson.

Regional media. Fair competition between state and private media as a factor for objective journalism of the future. Moderators: Yuri Purgin, Dmitry Kazmin.

Mutual assistance technologies for improving the quality of life. Moderators: Elena Topoleva-Soldunova, Olga Drozdova.

Creation of a network of public control over elections. Moderator - Grigory Melkonyants.

Development of an essential task for public control practices. Moderator: Vadim Karastelev.

How can civil enlighteners get on well and survive? Moderators: Boris Dolgin, Sergey Lukashevsky.

Public interaction in the context of social conflict. Presenters: Rustem Maksudov, Anton Ostrovsky.

What to do with neglected animals. Moderator - Elena Beregovaya.

TimePad - a solution for civil projects. Presenters: Olga Vereshchagina, Daria Odinokova.

The future of the country's economy: the role of agglomerations. Participants of the discussion: Sergey Sobyanin, Alexey Kudrin. Moderator - Peter Kosenko.

Authorities should take into account the opinion of the population when making town-planning decisions.

How can Poland's experience help local government in Russia. Speaker - Paulina Segen.

How to get presidential grant? Workshop of the Foundation for Presidential Grants.

New media: Does the audience need quality journalism and how to make money on it? Moderator Dmitry Kazmin.

Open non-profit organizations and media. Moderators: Ivan Begtin, Olga Parkhimovich, Anna Sakoyan.

Monitoring of courts: how to conduct and how to apply? Moderator Leonid Nikitinsky.

Informational transparency of non-profit organizations. Presenters: Elvira Aleinichenko, Irina Vdovenko. 

Resistance to animal abuse. Moderator – Georgiy Sitnikov.

Technology for creating community and leaders maps. Speaker - Andrey Andrusov.

How to make a good social advertising. Presenter – Vladimir Vainer.

Media and non-profit organizations: how to win together? Moderators: Nadezhda Azhgikhina, Svetlana Ruzleva.

Political strategy of civil society: stay away, influence from inside or change the system? Moderator - Sergey Zverev.

Transparency - development or threat? Moderator - Elvira Aleinichenko.

Media mission: education or service. Moderator - Svetlana Gorbacheva.

Strategies and technologies career choice. Presenter – Vitaliy Altukhov.

Health of public and public health. Moderator - Victoria Shaderkina.

Opportunities for participation in the "Internet Governance" for Russian civil society. Moderator - Alexander Isavnin.

Advocacy as an institution for protection of human rights. Moderators: Andrey Ragulin, Vadim Klyuvgant.

Waste management reform: evaluation of implementation prospects. Moderators: Alexander Veselov, Alexander Fedorov.

Civil education: how do we work. Presenters: Boris Dolgin, Polina Filippova, Katerina Belenkina, Robert Latypov, Alena Obiezdchikova, Andrey Yegorov.

Lies, blatant lies and statistics: why do NPOs need data? Presenter - Alexey Sidorenko.

Technology of certification of territory social activity. Presenter - Nina Samarina.

Leadership potential of the NPO leader. Presenters: Evgeny Gorkaev, Inga Moiseeva.

Awarding the winners of the II competition on case solutions in the management of non-profit organizations "Certainly" and the winners of youth debates. Summary of the Forum discussions. Discussion "How to agree on a desirable future". Moderator - Alexander Auzan. Closing speech of Alexey Kudrin.

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