Cycle of cultural and educational activities

“Vision of the Future”. Video guide.

The future as a challenge is an inevitable and predictable change in various spheres. The future as a resource is a change that can be created by us.

The Committee of Civil Initiatives and the All-Russia civil forum are launching a cycle of cultural and educational activities “Vision of the Future”.

«Vision of the Future» - a cycle of discussions about the most important changes in society life and every individual in particular. This is a project for those who want to understand what is happening, and to participate in the development of ideas and initiatives of the future.


Our world changes. We can see the most important changes in various spheres of life. Social responsibility of the state is formed in a new way, culture plays the key role in shaping the future, and "big data" opens up new opportunities for both effective forecasting and people manipulation. There is a revision of the role of international institutions, the influence of civil society is increasing, and the importance of individuals and groups of active citizens is growing. They are transforming the space around themselves here and now. Global competition for a human is growing.

Thanks to new communication opportunities, the motivation of people, their desires and moods became more visible and audible in politics, business, charity, public life. Considering these factors, a new economy is being built, where the most important creative force is the social capital, the ability of people to act together.

Technology - industrial, informational, social – accelerate changes. It expands the boundaries of everyday life, makes communication easier, gives us a chance to look at the world differently, it brings new opportunities and new threats.

We can see the signs of these tendencies in different spheres of our life. It is important to understand, identify and support the positive development of initiatives behind which there is our future - where we want to live. To give birth to these initiatives under the right conditions, not to miss the chance and opportunities that gives us time.

Here is a video guide of the events of the cycle “Vision of the future”:

Spring session “How not to miss a technological revolution?”:

Opening speech of Anatoliy Chubays, chairman of RUSNANO executive board.

New technologies and mass unemployment. Presenter – Sergey Kalyuzhniy, professor, doctor of chemical sciences, chief scientist ofRUSNANO.

Why there are so many inventors in Russia and so few inventions. Presenter – Olga Bychkova, Head of the Center for Governance and Public Policy, Professor of the Economics Faculty of the University in St. Petersburg.

"Genetics and children to order", Presenter – Alexander Panchin, Ph.D, Biology, senior researcher of Russian Academy of Sciences, laureate of the "Enlightenment" award for the book "The Sum of Biotechnology".

Time as a resource for spatial evolution. Presenter – Alexey Novikov, the Dean of the Graduate School of Urbanism, Higher School of Economics.

Human against blockchain.Presenter - Iskender Nurbekov, Deputy Director for Legal Issues and Initiatives of the Internet Initiatives Development Fund.

Summersession “Where the evolution of morality leads”

Autumn session “The labor market of the future: who will be in demand, and who will be out of work”.

Winter session “Management technologies of the future”

Sessions that took place at the All-Russia civil forum on November 25.

Infomedia of the future: chaos or matrix. Moderator - Svetlana Mironyuk.

The future of charity: from impulse to culture. Moderator - Evgeny Gorkaev.

How the organizations of the future are organized. Moderator - Daniil Rybak.

Strategies and reality: why there is always a different future. Moderator - Andrey Sharonov

You can find more videos from All-Russia civil forum events at our YouTube channel.
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